Pre-Conference Speaker(s)

  • Laura McNicholas, MD, PhD

    Medical Consultant

  • Abigail Kay, MD

    Associate Professor
    Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

  • Brian McCarroll, DO
  • Kenneth Stoller, MD

    Director, Johns Hopkins Broadway Center for Addiction; Assistant Professor
    Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

The course is recommended for clinicians who have an interest in increasing their knowledge of medications to treat opioid use disorder (OUD). The updated curriculum includes guidance for best practice treatment for opioid use disorder.

Topics include overview of opioid use disorder, epidemiology, opioid pharmacology, evidence-based treatment options, patient assessment/selection, special populations, induction and maintenance protocols, pain management, drug-to-drug interactions, adverse effects, methadone deaths, managing medical/psychiatric problems, drug testing, regulatory issues, an accreditation update, risk management, and an overview of all medication modalities.

While the course is primarily intended for clinicians with limited experience in using medication for OUD, it also provides updated information for more experienced clinicians. Participants will receive a comprehensive syllabus with reference and resource materials. To further integrate the educational objectives, participants are encouraged to discuss challenging problems and clinical issues to facilitate understanding of didactic principles.

Experienced opioid treatment program Medical Directors will conduct the program, focusing on the goal for participants to acquire the essential knowledge and skills necessary to deliver safe and effective medications for opioid use disorder.

The $275.00 separate registration fee includes course materials, morning coffee service and afternoon luncheon.

Sponsored by the American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence, Inc. (AATOD)

Supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and through a grant from Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

Learning Objectives:

  • Indentify interest in medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder.
  • Identify best practices for treating an opioid use disorder.
  • Describe and discuss current challenges and relevant case studies to faciliate understanding of didactic principles; and describe how to deliver save and effective treatment for an opioid use disorder.