Head of research centre and Professor
University of Oslo, Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research

Thomas Clausen is a professor at the University of Oslo, SERAF, Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research and Institute of Clinical Medicine.

Thomas Clausen is an MD PhD, with research focused towards opioid dependence, overdose prevention and treatment outcomes in the field of addiction medicine. Also other addiction related topics are included in the publication list, including 12-step facilitation, compulsory treatment, physical activity as part of addiction treatment, alcohol epidemiology in low-and middle income countries etc. He has a current appointment as a National Expert to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) for Norway.

In Norway there is a Nasal-naloxone distribution pilot project, which is led by Professor Clausen.

During the academic year of 2014-15 Professor Clausen was a visiting Fulbright Scholar at the Alcohol Research Group (ARG), in Emeryville, California.
