Recovery Coaching in OTPs: Making a Difference

Monday, October 21
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Location: Yucatan 1-3
CE: 1.5

Primary Presenter(s)

    • GF

      Gina Florenzano, LPC

      Regional Manager
      CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

      Disclosure: Nothing to disclose


  • BB

    Bobby Brown

    Recovery Coach
    Recovery Network of Programs

    Disclosure: Nothing to disclose

  • Carol Cruz, CRC

    Professional Recovery Coach
    Cornell Scott Hill Health Center

    Disclosure: Nothing to disclose

  • Lauren Siembab, MS, LADC

    Opioid Services Coordinator and SOTA
    Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Recovery Coaches can offer your workforce and your clientele a different perspective on recovery. This workshop describes a SOR funded initiative in Connecticut that funds Recovery Coach positions in Opioid Treatment Programs. The workshop will include a panel of four Recovery Coaches currently employed by OTP’s and two facilitators who oversee the initiative. The facilitators will briefly introduce the initiative and the focus will be on the perspective of the Recovery Coaches including their experiences regarding what works and what does not. Once each coach has spoken, the audience will have ample opportunity to offer feedback and ask questions.

Learning Objectives:

  • describe the difference between a Recovery Coach and a counselor or clinician.
  • define the primary tasks of a Recovery Coach.
  • Identify the benefits of adding a Recovery Coach to the staffing at your methadone clinic.