Strengthening Trauma Informed Practices Within OTPs

Wednesday, October 23
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Location: Coronado Springs Resort, Coronado L
CE: 1.5

Primary Presenter(s)

  • Kate Mahoney, LCSW

    Executive Director
    The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Disclosure: Nothing to disclose

There is broad-based recognition of the prevalence of prior exposure to trauma amongst patient populations served by OTPs. Program staff generally demonstrate skill in assessing for trauma history and addressing the negative consequences of trauma in treatment planning. However, many OTPs have not yet had the opportunity to address trauma on a systems level. This workshop will provide tools OTP’s can employ to assess their current effectiveness in delivering trauma-informed care and will also provide a roadmap to assist OTPs in applying SAMHSA’s 2014 Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach to care.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the 4 key assumptions in SAMHSA’s Trauma-Informed approach.
  • Describe SAMHSA’s 6 key principles of a trauma-informed approach.
  • Utilize SAMHSA’s 10 implementation domains to assess opportunities to strengthen their approach to trauma within their OTP.