Mary Walton, MHS, PA-C, Assistant Medical Director of CODAC Behavioral Healthcare, has worked in addiction medicine, integrating medical and behavioral care for almost twenty years. At CODAC, RI’s oldest and largest outpatient opioid treatment and behavioral healthcare provider, Walton has established ambulatory care services, treatment for other chemical dependencies, and implemented a groundbreaking mobile medical clinic that serves patients throughout RI. Prior to CODAC, Walton worked as Assistant Medical Director in opioid treatment programs in CT and RI integrating primary, psychiatric, and addiction care as well as Hepatitis C treatment. She also worked as a consultant for substance use and mental health services in HIV care systems. Walton worked at Yale Medical School AIDS Program for 14 years where she was Clinical Director of a mobile integrated care clinic and established the first mobile Suboxone program in the US. Walton co-authored “Directly Administered Antiretroviral Therapy for Drug Users Implementation Guideline” for the CDC’s Compendium of Evidence-Based HIV Behavioral Interventions; secured a million dollars annually in grant funding through SAMHSA, Ryan White Care Act, and CT Department of Health; created a syringe exchange program in New Haven, CT; developed a collaborative program of wrap-around medical, opioid treatment and intensive case management services in a housing organization in New Haven; and published peer-reviewed articles from randomized control trials on directly observed antiretroviral treatment in HIV positive drug users, tuberculosis screening and also program delivery in a mobile health care clinic, and hepatitis B vaccinations at a syringe exchange site. She is an adjunct professor at Quinnipiac University’s graduate Physician Assistant Program and has given talks on Understanding Addiction, Integrating Behavioral and Medical Care, Overdose Prevention, Harm Reduction, and HIV at universities, conferences, and various community forums.
