B1 – Therapeutic Partnerships: The Most Important Evidence-Based Practice

Monday, October 21
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Location: Coronado Springs Resort, Coronado A-H
CE: 1.5

Primary Presenter(s)

  • Alan Nolan, LCSW

    Director of Clinical Operations
    Connecticut Counseling Centers, Inc.

    Disclosure: Nothing to disclose

Research indicates the quality of the therapeutic relationship has a greater effect on patient retention and outcomes then the specific counseling approach used. This workshop focuses on the opportunities and challenges when enhancing the therapeutic alliance with MAT patients within the clinic setting. A review of the fundamentals of forming and maintaining a therapeutic relationship and the factors affecting the quality of the therapeutic relationship, explore patient expectancy as a therapeutic factor, and discuss the use of patient feedback to strengthen the alliance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Upon completion, participant will be able to discuss the common therapeutic factors that affect treatment outcome and review specific factors that affect the quality of the therapeutic relationship.
  • Describe core counseling skills used to form and maintain a therapeutic relationship
  • Upon completion, participant will be able to discuss the effects of expectancy and patient feedback on the therapeutic relationship.