Pre-Conference Speaker(s)

  • John Renner, MD

    Professor of Psychiatry
    Boston University School of Medicine

  • Laura McNicholas, MD, PhD

    Medical Consultant

  • Akiva Daum, MD


The “Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000” created the opportunity to expand treatment for opioid use disorder into the mainstream of medical practice, increase the number of persons treated, and have an important positive public health impact. The legislation specifies several ways in which physicians can be considered qualified to prescribe and dispense buprenorphine in their offices for the treatment of opioid use disorder. The completion of this training fulfills the requirement prior to notifying the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) of their intention to begin prescribing buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder.

The presentation is designed to train qualified physicians in dispensing or prescribing specifically approved Schedule III, IV, and V narcotic medications for the treatment of opioid addiction in an office-based setting. The goal of this training is to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to provide optimal care to opioid use disorder patients by providing: 1) an overview of opioid use disorder, 2) the efficacy and safety of buprenorphine, 3) process of patient selection, 4) clinical use of buprenorphine, 5) nonpharmacological interventions, 6) medical psychiatric conditions in opioid use disorder patients, office procedures, and 7) special treatment population. In total this eight hour training which will include eight separate modules and four case studies. Each of the speakers will be presenting for two hours. The remaining two hours is broken up over four case studies.

Designated by the DHHS, this training meets the eight-hour requirement and is designed for physicians to dispense buprenorphine in office practice for treatment of opioid use disorder. Participation in this training will provide physicians with a comprehensive overview of buprenorphine prescribing and its safe and effective use in an office-based setting. This training is designed for physicians and other primary care providers who are likely to treat opioid dependent persons in their practice, such as those in family practice, general internal medicine, psychiatry, pediatrics, adolescent medicine specialists, and Opioid Treatment Programs.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review addiction treatment in office-based practices
  • Discuss the process of buprenorphine induction as well as stabilization and maintenance techniques
  • Describe how to take a patient history and evaluation, determine what medical record documentation must be followed and how to dicuss the treatments of opioid use disorder with patients.